to the Temple of
Shrine to Earth
What is Gaiaism, well it started out in Bookmonk Land. Where i am known as the Goddess Gaia, protector of Nature, and especially plants.
But the Gaiaism on here is more than that. It is a call to protect nature, and plants, on which we all depend.
Think of this: Plants are the ones that harvest the energy in the suns light, and turn it into energy the rest of us (meaning animals) can use, they produce our oxigen. Whithout then we are all DEAD!
Or, if that is too heavy for you, think of the wonderfull smell of freshly mown grass, of the fragrance of flowers on a hot summers day. Now imagine life without them. Isn't it worth preseerving nature?
Some practises of a gaiaist include:
- Never buy flowers to put in a vase. Buy pottet plants. Imagine someone ripped of part of your body, stood you next to a water bottle, and left you there to slowly die.
- Treat plants with respect, don't just rip them oput for the heck of it. That goes for weeds too.
- Stop and smell the flowers!
More is soon to come!