

My planner is full of countdowns, I send entire study-halls just filling my planner with countdowns. Causing my friends to roll their eyes and uter something to the extent of :" You REALLY need to get a life!
*note: the smily face roughly shows how eagerly I anicipate the event ;-P*

Today's Date:

days 'til I start my end of year exams :-((

days 'til Summer Vacation starts!!! :-)

days 'til my German friends come to visit!!! :-D

days 'til I go to Greece!!!!! :-D

days 'til Matrix Revolutions comes out!!!! :-D

days 'til The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King comes out!!!! :-D

days 'til Christmass!!! :-)

days 'til My next Birthday!!!! :-)

Isn't it nice to have a lot to look foreward to? ;-P :-D